The Case

by | Jul 5, 2021 | USA

“Chicago capital of pizza”, even if it is only an event, triggers the controversy of the Neapolitans”

by Rossella Grasso

Early in the morning the municipality of Chicago, the metropolis of the state of New Jersey, tweets proudly: “Proud to be the world capital of pizza”. Mysteriously, suddenly, the city proclaims itself the capital of pizza? Not at all, simply on February 9th they decided to celebrate “National Pizza Day”, as the hashtag that follows the happy announcement explains: #nationalpizzaday.
And so the city has spread the initiative on social networks. In short, no prevarication against Naples or Italy, it is just a commercial gimmick. “An American” some would say, given that claiming to be the “capital of the world of pizza” is perhaps a bit excessive. The truth is that Italy could learn from American megalomania to better enhance the pizza, a Unesco heritage.