Italy with a Heart in Sugar

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Nicola Sparano

by Nicola Sparano

Bonucci Man of the Match, Donnarumma Tournament’s Best, Mancio Genius of the Bench
Three names, three awards, three excellences decreed by the final that we and they will always remember.
On the other side of the coin, the racist attacks via social media against the three poor people who missed their penalties: “Back to Nigeria”, “Get out of my country”, they wrote and published along with other filth.
Who knows if Vieira and Lineker (do you remember them? They had spread poison on Italy) have pickaxed their former favorites and exalted ours, in pure hypocritical style.

Draghi with the Azzurri Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP (photo: AFP) © Copyright ANSA
It was well known that hypocrisy and arrogance lived in England.
Hypocrisy means “: tendency to simulate good qualities, good feelings, good intentions, appearing different from what one is, in order to be liked or to deceive.
Arrogance means: attitude characterized by presumption, by a sense of superiority.
These are them, but we are … INVINCIBLES, invincible.
The French newspaper L’Equipe has in fact dedicated the first page to Italy’s victory in London: under the photo of the cheering team they wrote INVINCIBLES in large letters.
In this European Championship, Italy was truly invincible.
Thanks to Mancio, of course.
The coach made a great little masterpiece built in the locker room and transported to the pitch.
Starting from the assumption that every player must be involved in his natural role, a mechanism has been reached in which, by changing the sequence of addenda, the sum remains the same.
As if to say that the mechanism of play and commitment remained unchanged even after the changes.
Here, one of Mancini’s many merits were the substitutions, especially in the two games in London.
The Azzurri took care of the rest.
The final put at risk the coronaries of all the noantri of Rome and its surroundings.
The first attack on the corazon was the goal given at the beginning for a general nap of the defense.
We went on with the palpitations until Bonucci found himself in the right place at the right time.
The central, de facto name Leo, shouted after the triumph: “They still have to eat a lot of dry pasta”.
The turn of the match took place when the English coach moved back the center of gravity to defend the golletto.
At that point Verratti had more space, Chiesa sank the shots and they shivered.
In the second extra time it was us who shivered every time they entered the area fearing to give the referee the chance to whistle a penalty.
Referee Kuipers, it must be said and repeated, was perfect, impartial and correct.
Then he gave us a hand.
In the sense that the coin thrown into the air fell giving captain Chiellini the chance of the first shot.
Statistics show that the team that shoots first is almost always the winner of the penalty lottery.
So it went as well as it went well against Spain.
After the first two penalties they were leading 2-1: Belotti had missed his shot, while the two whites, Kane and Maguire, did not.
At the third penalty, history repeats itself for them: in 2006 it was Trezeguet who opened the way to world victory (the second penalty taker was mistaken against Spain).
The beginning of the end of English hopes begins with the third penalty taker: Rashford does the … Zaza, imitates the chicken dance, then hits the pole.
Bernardeschi, cold as a stockfish, puts in what will be the goal of the triumph.
Because the next three shooters are wrong, Sancho and Saka for them, Jorginho for us.
The blue has the decisive penalty, but contrary to the usual he pulls to the left of the goalkeeper who had always bagged on the right.
While endless world sancties are sung, a baby of Nigerian origins goes to the shooting.
Saka is 19 years old and the emotion cares him.
His shot is a pass.
Gigio stops him with the hands that nature has made for him by taking the shovels used to bake the pizzas as models.
And the Margherita del trionfo comes out of the Wembley oven.
PENALTY SEQUENCE: Berardi (goal), Kane (goal), Belotti (save), Maguire (goal), Bonucci (goal), Rashford (post), Bernardeschi (goal), Sancho (save), Jorginho (save), Saka ( saved).