First easing of the lockdown in GB, 34 million vaccines
The relief from the lockdown started in England “is a small step made possible by months of sacrifices” and allows you to “take advantage of the good weather” to do more outdoor sports, for example, said Boris Johnson in the briefing of the day, announcing also personally the intention to return to playing tennis, but not without warning that the path started must continue “with caution”. In fact, the premier noted that the second wave of infections is still on the rise “on the continent”, while he insisted on the “vital” need to continue with vaccines, including boosters and starting from the “most
vulnerable “.
Zero deaths counted for Covid on Sunday in London, as had not happened for six months: this is confirmed by the disaggregated data released by Public Health England taken up by the media of the Kingdom, after the national figures released on Sunday on a total of daily deaths reduced to 19 in all The UK.
The indication benefits from the statistical delay on part of the weekend data, but nonetheless confirms a trend towards the decline in victims to the lowest levels since the beginning of the pandemic. London doctors speak of a “fantastic” result noting the parallel reduction in hospitalizations, with no more than an average of “1 or 2 deaths every two days” in intensive care.
And the so-called ‘rule of 6’ is back in force in England, which expands the possibility of social contacts up to 6 people from two different families, as part of the gradual relaxation and stages of the lockdown (in force for three months now) announced by Boris Johnson in recent weeks: an easing that remains cautious and conditioned by the trend “of the data, not on fixed dates”, as reiterated in the past few hours by the British Prime Minister Tory himself, despite the UK continuing to run on the vaccine front with nearly 34 million doses administered (over 30 million people underwent the first injection, according to yesterday’s update, and over 3.5 million reminders) .