Funzionario dell’Onu, circa 150 case sepolte
Circa 670 persone sono morte dopo che una massiccia frana ha raso al suolo un villaggio in Papua Nuova Guinea.

TOPSHOT – This handout photo by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on May 25, 2024 shows locals carrying a person on a stretcher from the site of a landslide at Yambali Village in the region of Maip Mulitaka, in Papua New Guinea’s Enga Province. Rescue teams began arriving at the site of a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea’s remote highlands on May 25, helping villagers search for the scores of people feared dead under the towering mounds of rubble and mud. (Photo by BENJAMIN SIPA / International Organization for Migration / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / International Organization for Migration (IOM) / Benjamin Sipa ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Lo ha detto all’agenzia Afp un funzionario delle Nazioni Unite.
“Ci sono circa 150 case sepolte, e si stima che 670 persone siano morte”, ha detto Serhan Aktoprak, un funzionario dell’agenzia Onu per l’immigrazione con sede a Port Moresby.