Terremoto in Afghanistan, il bilancio dei morti sale a 1.000

by | Jun 23, 2022 | ASIA, Breaking News, World | 0 comments

Terremoto in Afghanistan

I feriti sono almeno 600, la scossa è stata registrata a 44 km a sudovest di Khost

E’ aumentato ad almeno 1.000 il bilancio dei morti provocati dal

 Taliban stand guard outside the district hospital where victims of the earthquake are brought, in Paktia, Afghanistan, 22 June 2022. More than 1,000 people were killed and over 1,500 others injured after a 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit eastern Afghanistan before dawn on 22 June, Afghanistan’s state-run Bakhtar News Agency reported. According to authorities the death toll is likely to rise. EPA/STRINGER — BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE —

terremoto che la notte scorsa ha colpito il sudest dell’Afghanistan, al confine con il Pakistan: lo ha reso noto una fonte ufficiale.